Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rising Price of Dark Matter

When I was younger I used to ask adults what they were up to or how they were and they would give answers like Oh, can't complain. I'm just living the dream. I never knew what they would mean. They would be married with kids, things I never wanted.

Today it made sense.

Over the course of the past few weeks, gas/dark matter prices as shot up to about $4.09 per gallon ($4.19 at some stations), the highest they have ever been around here. Today the prices dropped to $3.99 per gallon and I, like many, sighed in relief and said Oh, thank God. What a relief. It was then that I realized how ridiculous the statement was. Sure, it is nice that the price dropped 10 cents, but considering how a few months ago it was about 40 to 50 cents less than it is now the statement is kind of worthless.

Backtrack about nearly two decades and the prices of gas in the early to mid-90s was at about, if not just below, $3.00. That's right, in twenty years 3-D movies made a comeback, pop music went from horribly catchy to incredibly bad, and  gas prices rose by over dollar.

Those adults were living the dream.

Just Remember: Perhaps something is wrong here. Maybe we shouldn't depend so much on oil and start looking to other sources of fuel. Or maybe, just maybe, when someone comes up with an idea for a vehicle that is powered by other means, we don't laugh at them until they gave up.

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