Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween, everyone! Remember, when going out, try to go as a group because not only will you look awesome, but people are more apt to understand you when you go out with a finglonger. 

Just Remember: One anime character with a a series of non-anime characters sticks out...seriously.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Friends: The 80's Connection

There are tons of ways people become friends: work, class, mutual friends, etc. Each way, in the simplest form, involves two people seeing each other with a certain frequency, a bridge (the bridge being something in common to open yourselves up to meeting), and allowing growth between yourselves. The bridge can range from anything from going to the same high school to minimal as liking the same song, but what happens when the two people involved focus the two steps that don't involve growth of the relationship between them? In short, you get a "friend" that will kick you in the ribs for $50.

Trademark Twentieth Century Fox

A question that should stick out at about this time is How can a friendship like this continue?

Like that a family member that goes on a diet and decides to force everyone else into as well, someone is more invested than the other. It can be scruples or how they were raised, but the one that is more invested cares for the other person. Some people during this point in perform a cost/benefit analysis of the friendship. Why should I stay friends with this person vs. Why should I stop being friends with this person. Many people do this and it is normal, but to give into demands always is foolish. If nothing changes or gets better then it must end.

Just Remember: If the other person ends up being a total schmuck, using you for your time, and the friendship has to end, it's ok. They still can't take away the good times you had together.


P.S. - If you have any questions you want answered, feel free to contact me by email:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mutants V. Normals

Recently I was on a walk in a store where I saw this older woman, not quite to the stage of being called a senior citizen, and she was looking at a coloring book with what I can only assume were her grandchildren. The young ones, looking roughly kindergarten age, were paging through coloring books and the woman was asking them point blank questions about what colors things would be in the book. Of course, I am listening to this all go down.  What color is the fire truck? Red.  What color is the fireman's jacket? Black.

The Sewer Mutants
The line of questioning seems the standard sort of thing for kids of that age group...up until the last question. What color is the fireman's skin? Knee jerk reaction, my head snaps in the direction of what is going on. The kids are hesitant to answer. It could be because they don't know enough color names, or because they know too many color names, or because they realize how ridiculous it is to ask that question. My money is on the last one. One of the kids then responds Pink. The woman agrees and then offers "peach" as an alternative color. Of course I am thinking What the hell is wrong with this woman?

Sure, we could blame it on her age, claiming that she is old and doesn't know any better or she is incapable of change. That isn't good enough considering how she lived through several decades of social change in this country. At some point she must have heard on TV, in a class, or on the radio about some of it and seen the positive effects of equality in her lifetime.

Just Remember: As one in over six billion people on this planet, it is silly to assume that one group is the standard gauge for the whole even if we are part of that group.

Trademark 20th Century Fox


P.S. - If you have any questions you want answered, feel free to contact me by email:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

To Not-Do or To Don't-Not-Do

Lately I have been hearing people throw around the phrase It's all part of a greater plan an awful lot. I normally don't have issue with religion, but something about those words grouped together bothers the hell out of me. The people that tend to say it aren't focused on the Chaos Theory, they are focused on fate imposed by a higher being that has made some amazingly complex plan that we could never understand it. I have heard a story similar to this, it is called Doctor Who. He looks human, but is a time lord that can see what actions effect the future and in what way. Of course he doesn't tell people, he just puts them in situations where they realize they can take care of business on their own.

Even in the case of that beloved character, it is still maddening. Think of it. You are told to go make toast despite hating it. There wouldn't ever be a reason aside from this person indicating that it should be done at this point in time. Anyone could easily follow it, but a good question to ask is Why. 

They won't say that it is all part of the plan, they shouldn't at least. Instead, they could lie or be honest and give a brief reason. To assume that we should blindly follow some unknown plan is questionable because then a higher being, unlike the Doctor at this point, are forever prisoner to this "grand plan."

Just Remember: We are free and inhabit a world were amazing things come in both large and small sizes. The only downside is we have one shot at all this. Let us own up to what we do and/or don't, not hold ourselves back because someone else may want us to.


P.S. - If you have any questions you want answered, feel free to contact me by email:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Rise and Fall of Hypnotoad

It's fall and that means a bevy of things. Kids are out of our cool hangout spots and back in school. The number of available people for a "summer fling" has dwindled to nearly nothing but people on dating websites (I will write about that topic soon, I promise). And, most importantly, the fall line up has begun for the majority of shows.

For a lot of us, we our devoted to our shows. We know that Thursday night will be great because our three favorite shows will be on Channel X or that certain nights totally suck because the only thing on is American Idol. Don't act like that statement isn't true, that show takes up more time than the Olympics. I know for a fact my Saturday nights have been devoted to catching Doctor Who and my Thursdays have been devoted to Community, but this season has me worried. The Doctor has had only four episodes on and so far only one was good...the second two were dull and I fell asleep during the one last night.  Community hasn't started yet, but the director (original creator) has been replaced by some guy that has a terrible show with poor humor.

All hail the Hypnotoad!

Shows get cancelled all the time. There have been countless shows I have loved that were taken off the air and replaced with "stellar" shows like So You Think You Can Dance. Sure, it may take time to find new shows we can count on, but half the fun is the hunt. If that isn't enough for you, we can sure as hell enjoy the good memories when the cancelled shows we love come out on DVD.

Just Remember: We can always look back to shows that have made comebacks. Doctor Who was cancelled for several years before it returned. Same with Futurama. Sometimes it may take others a bit longer to realize how great something is.


P.S. - If you have any questions you want answered, feel free to contact me by email: