Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Visiting Idols

Those of us who are lovers of movies or books would love to meet the characters. Sometimes, more often than not, the characters are made up, but the places have the potential to be real. Where it may be unlikely to go get drinks with Jonathan Ames (Bored to Death) or play board games with Igor (Dork Tower), it is totally possible to visit the places scene in that show or that book, respectively.

Is it as exotic as going to a different country for spring break? No.

Is it just as cool. Yes.

Should you take pictures? Damn right!

Just Remember: A few great places to visit would definitely be Chicago (Dark Knight), Pegasus Games in Madison (Dork Tower), and the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Hollywood (Blazing Saddles).

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tykes, Mics, Jockeys, and Schmucks

Every now and again we all like to return to the habits from days of yore. Some people try biking to work, others try learning Latin, and others still try reenactments. I've never really tried any of those thoroughly, but today I tried listening to a morning radio show. The topic brought up was should parents bring babies to the movies. Keep in mind that he had a story that lead up to this topic. Apparently, the radio show host had been at a children's movie with a friend because he had heard it was good. As he watched it he began to dislike the movie, but was also annoyed by a family in the back row of this nearly empty theater. The family, a single mother with baby and two other kids, didn't seem to understand that they should leave by his throat clearing. The host then ask listeners what they would do.

I called in and asked why he didn't talk with the parent. He took offense and asked why there had to be a mother with kids at the movie. I retorted that there is a different rule set for kids than with adults. He honed in on it, focusing on the movie being PG-13 and how a baby shouldn't be there. Then I explained how a rating means nothing if a parent gives permission. My inability to blow hot smoke up his ass seemed to really get under his skin and so he hung up on me.

After this, I recalled hearing radio show hosts growing up and a lot of them seemed pretty on the level and couldn't honestly think of one being crappy. Sure, the topic was broad enough to let anyone have a right answer, but it seems to me that he didn't want a sharing of ideas. He wanted to be told he was right. I can't really stand by that. Don't let this happen to you. Let fools know when they are wrong.

Just Remember: Radio show hosts, news monsters, acting robots, and any other time of person behind a microphone aren't necessarily intelligent. They just have a louder voice.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Work Place Wind Up

No matter who you are, there is someone that you work with and, by the grace of God, they know how to push every one of your buttons while coming off as a cool person to everyone else. Sure, they may be evil, and on more than one attempt they have tried to steal your blood. Having a workplace rival is a total pain. Sure they can do all that stuff, but it creates a rivalry that splits the rest of staff to be with or against you. This can lead to a multitude of other potential methods of revenge that can revenge from stealing of lover to blackmail. Of course, the average person might report to the boss, which may lead to action, but it can also backfire. You can be seen as an office instigator.

How does one go about this?


Go about your work. Ignore them. Be pleasant, but get through the day. People will notice and things will work themselves out.

Just Remember: What you do at work is at work. The people there can only effect you outside of work if you let them.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Where's all that Junk?

Hopefully it is in your trunk or the backseat of your car, but it is most likely all over your place. You may be looking around your place from where you currently are with your computer. What do you see? Your collection of magazines? A stack of films that you watched once and vowed never to watch again? I suppose the next question to ask is Why are you still holding on to those things? Honestly, that stuff, like clothes in your closet that will "totally fit" if you lose a few pounds, is simply clutter. There is hardly any need for it.

What should you do with it then? Easy. Challenge your friends to a giant, Thuderdome-styled tournament to determine who gains control of more space in your apartment. Winner not only gets more space, but also a five dollar gift card to Hot Topic.

Of course, you could always sell extraneous junk. What can it hurt? You sell your stuff and you may be more surprised by how much you get for it. Otherwise through away the unnecessary.

Just Remember: You see slips of paper that all have meaning in some way, but everyone else sees clutter.