Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Resolutions of the New and Auld

With X-Mas essentially over, we are merely a few days away from a new year. Nearly everyone I know has an issue with the potential for a New Year's resolution. What's the point? I will just give up on it in a week anyway. That may be, but the point of a resolution is to discover a way to venture into becoming a new you. A better you, preferably in a way that doesn't involves space-worms. If you want to take steps to being more fun, take up a hobby. Or if you want to exercise your mind, try taking up an instrument.

Many people end up quitting because the change is too hard. It is easy to want to give up when a goal is ridiculously hard. Try something easy. Don't attempt the holophoner as a first instrument and don't attempt rock climbing as your new exercise activity. Start slow and work towards it. If that isn't enough, set mini goals for your resolution over the course of the new year.

Just Remember: Having goals aren't always to completely change you, but to make sure you are getting something more out of life.


P.S. - If you have any questions you want answered, feel free to contact me by email:

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry X-Mas

As we all know, X-Mas is around the corner and that brings a lot of great holiday traditions. One can cut down a tree with their laser axe, decorate with friends, or even carol, but remember that everything, no matter what, must be done before sundown on December 24th. Nobody wants to be stuck outside on Christmas Eve after sundown lest ye be caught by Robot Santa and attacked by Glee Seeking Missiles.

Just Remember: The safest place to be on Christmas Eve is huddling in fear around loved ones inside a building covered in steel grating. Enjoy your holiday.


P.S. - If you have any questions you want answered, feel free to contact me by email:

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sir Englsmith of Cornwall

As I write this entry, the first snowflakes of the year are floating down from the sky, marking one age old fact: Summer has been over a while and going out will slow down incredibly. The amount of shirtless joggers has gone from many to none. Short skirts have been replaced by pants. And nights of exciting adventure are more than likely replaced with TV. Don't get me wrong, sitting in front of a screen for a few hours is ok, but definitely draining when done consistently.

What the heck is there to do otherwise?

Simple. Get a group of friends together for a game night. It can be video, card, board, or any other kind of game. I know what you are thinking Oh, God, no! Dungeons and Dragons nerds, ahoy! In truth, board games aren't what they used to be 20 years ago. Back in the 1980s there was a lot of discussion of guys hanging out in basements pretending to be riding unicorns into battle and attempting to talk to girls they couldn't in real life. Being nerdy today, on the other hand, is part of mainstream culture. Today, there is a little more variety in styles of games too. The problem is that people are only aware of a handful of popular games. People know Uno, Old Maid, Magic, Settlers of Catan, or D&D yet they hardly delve into other games like Fluxx, Gloom, Munchkin, or Chez Geek. Sure, it can be odd trying a new game, but have the fun is figuring it out. The rest of it is the play time and introducing it to others. 

Just Remember: It is more acceptable now to play card games. If people mock it, it's because they are too thick to try something new.


P.S. - If you have any questions you want answered, feel free to contact me by email:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Memes -or- The Day the Laughter Died

Take an average person and put them on a stage. Anything could happen. They could dance, play a song, or whatever. When it comes to those, people with skill will go on stage and show off what skill they have. When it comes to humor, a comedian generally will be able to tell how well they are doing by how the audience reacts. Dead silence or several "boos" are a good indicator to either quit or work on new material. This is the time that tests a good comedian's steel because he/she can either walk away from it all or work harder. The harder they worked, the more likely one could see them on local venues or TV.Today, anyone with Google access and MS Paint can be funny thanks to the douchebaggery that are Memes.

We get it, you want to "haz cheezburger" and are "Not sure if it is cheese or cheez." Honestly, how many times can someone see an image of Gene Wilder's smirk as he makes some remark. The worst of it is that the majority of these made end up being either inside or poorly written jokes. A lot of these memes are similar to Youtube videos of guys playing video games with voice-overs of their commentary: pointless. Sure, memes seem to save time because they are quick little jokes, but their brevity leads to searching for more, leading up to a great deal of time wasted on reading them.

A good way to slow down the problem of excessive meme growth is to think before you make one. Are you a funny person? Do people generally laugh when you make a joke? Is the joke you are about to make funny for everyone? If you answered no to any of the following questions, don't make a meme. 

Just Remember: All artists grow. If you are attempting to be an artist, try something new. Don't create another meme of Fry being uncertain or Willy Wonka smirking.


P.S. - If you have any questions you want answered, feel free to contact me by email: