Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Poppler Dilemma

"The Problem With Popplers"
I normally don't care for break rooms. Generally, they are windowless, dirty, & uncomfortable rooms that give way to coworkers with myopic viewpoints that I tend to tune out. A few months ago, I was eating lunch in this break room when four women, ranging from early-30s to mid-40s, came in and immediately took seat at a table away from me, which is understandable as I didn't know them. Soon enough they began to discuss the quirks of life that disappointed them, starting off with the body scanners at the airport and how the TSA agents shouldn't pat these women down because they aren't terrorists. They then concluded that dogs should be used instead of body scanners as they are a lot less invasive. Both of the statements made me chuckle to myself due to the sheer stupidity of them.

It was at this point they continued munching on their salads while discussing "the benefits of vegetarianism," one of which claimed she had to be vegetarian. They continued onward about how Richard Geer wrote a book about the very same topic and talking about the "a-ha moment" for famous people. This came around to the topic of how livestock out at pasture care for their young as humans care for their progeny, by enlisting a babysitter. The entire conversation went on for sometime with minor jabs inserted, berating those "too stupid" to fall in line with their world view. One simplistically stated how the wold would be far better if everyone were vegetarian.

Adorable, yes, but I would still eat it.
As I looked down at my ham sandwich, one thought clearly passed through my head: That is total bullshit! Animals eat other animals and if they don't, they eat things with living cells on them. Genetically speaking, all lions are carnivores and, as such, need to eat meat. Omnivores can eat both plants and meat and we, as humans, are omnivores, not solely herbivores (those that eat only plants). It seems that becoming vegetarian is the new diet fad. Of course there are protein alternatives to meat like beans, nuts, and legumes; however, many people don't employ the alternatives and end up having to take various pills to replace what they aren't gaining nutritionally. These people end up having to stop the vegetarian lifestyle as per doctor's request.

I may sound like I'm bashing vegetarians, but, in truth, I'm declaring two points: 1) know how to eat/be healthy, and 2) don't push your health-habit-theories/how-to-save-the-world-ideas on others.

Just Remember: According to science, all edible items contain living cells at one point or another. To say eating meat is murder by using the it-is-from-a-living-creature argument is a fallacy because all items on this planet are made up of living cells or have bacteria living on them. This means that any form of nutrition is murder to some degree. (See the Life Cycle)

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