Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Let's Try That Crazy Pizza Monster's Place Across the Street

For the past month or so, when I'm at work and have forgotten my lunch, I have been calling up delivery places from time to time. One of the places I call I end up calling more the food and less for the service. Every time I call the place the phone is picked up by a morose guy that is focused on being so dispassionate that he could fit in well as a dementor in the Harry Potter world. I'm fine dealing with people with oddball attitudes, I do it every day; however, this guy is a little too much to deal with.

So what is there to do?

I could have kept going and gave that guy crap or just tried something new. Sure, I could have complained the first restaurant and, as a matter of fact, I did talk with someone, but I asked if their employee was fine. As it turned out, they had been trying to get him help for a long time. Not really much point in arguing with that. So I let it be. I tried a new place down the street and it was fantastic. Is it the type of food I normally want? No, but the food is still great and the people there are a lot nicer.

Just Remember: If someone else sucks, sometimes it is easier just to be the bigger person and walk away.

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