Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Shut Up and Take My Money!

Tis the time of year where the Tax Monster swings around and sucks the cash from your bank account. Sometimes he leaves a little bit behind if you're lucky. Provided that the monster leaves more than he takes, you can come to an awesome decision: save the money for future bills or use it on something gaudy and audacious. There lies the true cruelty of the Tax Monster, making you choose between levelheadedness or knocking down that wall and unleashing your crazy inner child that wants everything. I hope that you can deal with this in the way best for you.

Just Remember: Even if you end up saving all of you get back, you typically end up spending it on what I call a "Shitstorm Anomaly". This could be anything from needing a new car because someone stole your last one to paying off an emergency surgery because your appendix almost explode. Basically, spending it on that expensive TV right now probably isn't the best idea when you innards decide you suck and wish to locate to regions outside your body. Also, and I'm looking at you fellow nerds, buying that book cabinet that looks like the TARDIS is probably great for storing your stuff, but not so hot later on. Save up.

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