Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Proposition Nothing Offensive

This blog entry is going to reference a touchy subject: gay marriage. I wanted to broach the topic with the same lighthearted humor as John Stewart or Matt Groening, but that has been done. Then I was unsure of weather to tackle this topic from a religious, political, logical, economical, or historical stand point. In the end, I discovered that no matter what direction I come from there is no true problem with gay marriage. Also, I decided to indicate so from each stand point.

Louis Armstrong
Historical - Homosexuals have been frowned upon for ages, the most famous of which is war hero and inventor Alan Turing (I'm not kidding, look it up). There were other silly concepts in the past such as a law banning whites and non-whites from marrying, let alone holding hands. Time passed and then people started to realize there were other people in the world to hate.

Religious - While certain religions may see homosexual behavior as sinful, they also used to deem writing left-handed, women riding bikes in the standard fashion, listening to jazz music, marrying outside of one's own race, listening to The Beatles, and watching Star Wars to be sinful too. All of those things seem to be ok now...unless it's Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, that's never ok to watch.

Political -The US was founded on the concept of freedom, destroying the concept of a theocracy, meaning we we don't follow the rules of one religion, we make our own. Therefore there must be a divide between church and state. This may be difficult for some people to deal with as people who practice religion make up the state (if you are one of these people, please read on to the Logical section). Even ghosts and horses are allowed to marry in the future.

Economical - In terms of money, our country is hurting right now and many are looking for ways to get that cash flowing. Wait a minute, don't marriage licenses and weddings cost money? Would that actually work? That's a crazy idea! How about we just have Michael Bay make another Transformers movie.

"Proposition Infinity"
Logical - All humans want happiness, we are allowed the pursuit of it in the constitution, so why should we mandate who is and who isn't allowed to have it? If your neighbor listens to polka music, you don't call him/her a freak and try to impose a new music genre on them. Instead, you ignore it and turn your radio up louder. If your neighbor is gay, you don't have to be there all the time. Go home and do your own thing (If you use that music metaphor to mean "have sex louder than your neighbor" that is up to you and none of my concern).

Just Remember: Actor Johnny Galecki, when responding to rumors about being homosexual, was quoted as saying, "I didn't feel the need to clarify them because I didn't see it as anything offensive."


P.S. - If you have any questions you want answered, feel free to contact me by email: 

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